Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nu Joisey

Oh, MTV, how I do love thee. Throughout the years, you have given me (in no particular order other than how they popped into my head) Real World, Road Rules, Laguna Beach, The Hills, Spring Break, 16 and Pregnant, Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica, True Life, and Engaged and Underage. I didn't think it could get any better until now. Jersey Shore is officially my newest reality addiction. I'll admit, I had to google the meaning of "guido": A guido is typically and Italian male who is damn proud of it. Normally has a fake tan and gelled up spikey hair, which is the opposite of his arms because he shaves those. He normally asks ya "How you doin" FOR REAL not for fake. They go to clubs with dance music and try and get as many girls as possible... as we say in NJ: "We don't pump our gas but we pump our fists", but I was hooked in the first five minutes of watching the show. It really doesn't get much better than fake tans, fist pumping, big muscles, provocative clothing, dancing, hot tubbing, screaming, drinking, and fighting. Love. It.

Not exactly appropriate to watch when the monkeys are awake, though. Thank goodness for DVR!

This review was brought to you by yours truly, Muffie. :)


  1. I sat at home by myself wrapping presents last Friday and watched a couple hours of this show. I was completely mesmerized! It's like a train wreck! HA

  2. OMG- I can't agree w/ you more! I heart MTV... but that is a big secret, I'd never admit it publicly! HA! Did you ever see the True Life show about Jersey Shore? It was called something like- "Summering at Jersey Shore"??? It was good too!!
