Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ten Things about Honey Bun

My turn!
1. What are some of your family traditions? A few years ago my mom and her sisters found this Jingle Bell Rock Santa. He shakes his hips and plays Jingle Bell Rock and while this sounds very cheesy and red neck he is actually hilarious. After a few glasses of wine all the women in my family get up and dance with this Santa and all the men sit on the couch and roll their eyes. I love it! My favorite family tradition with ACP and Duck is getting up on Saturday mornings and having coffee.

2. Do you know how to change a flat tire? No. Actually this is a funny story. It was my third week in our town, I only knew one person besides my husband and he was already at church. I was running late (typical) and I ran this very yellowish red light, bumped the curb, and slashed my tire. I made it to the Applebees parking lot and had to walk about two miles by myself in the sweltering heat and wait for ACP to get home several hours later. I should really learn how to change a tire.

3. Do you subscribe to any magazines? What are your favorites? I love magazines. I am so sad that they are all going out of print. My favorites are House Beautiful and Nutrition Action. One of our friends recently introduced me to LonnyMag which is a great online publication.

4. What are your top three favorite office supply items? There is nothing like pretending to get organized. I love staplers and paper clips. Can I count a great coffee mug in office supplies? I think it should count.

5. Are you a good public speaker? I'm not sure. In my profession I do have speaking engagements but I don't know if I am good or not.

6. How do you feel about acronyms? Well, in this case you should ask Muffie. LMBO.

7. What’s the most creative things you’ve ever done? Duck's nursery.

8. I’d rather jam a pen in my eye than… call a customer service line and talk to someone in India who's name is Jennifer.

9. What company has the best advertising? The new Amex commercials with the smiles and frowns are clever. The e-trade baby ads are also very funny.

10. When is your birthday? February 4th!

Have a fabulous day,


  1. I think you are a very good public speaker!

  2. I would gladly hire myself out as a customer service line caller. I find something cathardic about getting through and raising hell!
