Monday, November 23, 2009

The Craze

Let's see a show of hands for those of you who are crazy about The Twilight Saga!

My hand is definitely in the air.

I must admit that I didn't want to start the series when I read them about a year ago. It took some coaxing from Muffie to get me to start Twilight, but once I got into it, I got hooked. I walked around with my nose in a book for six days until I had read every last word of all four books. I think all of my little chillens forgot what my face looked like for those six days -- they had to talk to me through the cover of a book! I hate to admit it, but my life felt a little bit empty after finishing that last book -- I didn't want it to end.

Naturally I was beyond excited when Twilight came out as a movie.

And I have never been more disappointed by a movie in my life. (Really. I am not hard to please when it comes to movies. I love movies!)

It just did not live up to the book at all. I know that it is common for a movie to not live up to a book, but this one just stunk big time. I was so disappointed! As I watched the movie, I wondered to myself if I didn't like the movie because it just brought the whole vampire saga to life and made me realize that is was just so cheesy (I mean, really, vampires? How unbelievable can you get -- that is why I didn't want to read the books in the first place. I don't get into that stuff...) or if the movie was just that bad.

I am pretty sure that the movie was just that bad. It seems to be a general consensus among those I have talked to who loved the books.

So, although I have heard that New Moon is so much better than Twilight, I am approaching it with the realization that it is highly likely that this movie will also fail to be as good as the book.

That's right, I haven't seen it yet. And I am dying to!

Muffie and I are going to meet our friend, Hogie, in a couple of weeks at a city halfway between our homes where we will go to the spa, eat great meals, and watch New Moon. I cannot wait; I hope I can hold out that long! Muffie and I have talked about rereading all of the books (or at least the first two) to hold us over until we actually get to see the movie -- you know, because everyone else in America has already seen it.

Or, should I say, every other chick in America has seen it. The Farmer would not be caught dead at that movie.

How about you? Have you seen the movie? Did you love it? Will it be worth the wait?

Oh, and just FYI, I am totally on Team Edward.



  1. Gotta love Edward!!! I thought New Moon was much better than Twilight. I went on the Friday that it opened. Having a bunch of younger girls in the audience wasn't the most fun because they kept screaming at different parts. Hopefully you won't have to deal with that when you see it. Have fun on your girls weekend!

  2. It is sooo much better than Twilight, which I hated as well. I can't wait until the next one comes out!
