Monday, January 25, 2010

I want, I want, I want!!

Since somebody thinks this is the theme of our blog, I thought I'd use it as a topic for a post. There are lots of things I want right now---I'm human, and who doesn't want things? Here's a list of my top 5 "wants":

1. To lose the 10 pounds I put on after I lost my pregnancy weight and then some. This is purely my fault--I lost the pregnancy weight plus a few extra pounds fairly quickly after having my sweet boy six months ago, but then I decided I could continue to eat whatever I wanted like I did when I was, bad idea. Slowly but surely, the pounds crept back and here I am not fitting properly into my clothes and wanting to live in my stretchy black exercise pants. I joined My Food Diary and have lost 3 pounds so I just want to keep it up so I can feel comfy in my body again!

2. To sleep all night in my own bed with only my husband. This doesn't sound like much to want, but when you have a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 month old, one of whom just recently started sleeping through the night and two of whom would rather get up in the middle of the night and either scream at the top of the stairs for their mommy or sneak into bed with their parents than sleep all night, it's a big deal. 2010 has yet to give us an entire night where both my hubby and I get to sleep in the same bed together for an entire night. I really, really, really want this to happen.

3. For two of my best friends not to move away. It's going to happen whether I want it to or not, but I'm not happy about it. :(

4. This dress from Lilly Pulitzer for my 2 year old. I want it so badly I can't even stand it, but I do not want to spend that much money on it, so I'm just going to keep drooling over it until it goes on sale or I figure out a way to come up with the money by selling old clothes on Ebay! :)
5. Finally, I want this amazing steam mop. I even went so far as to put it in my cart at Target and drive it around the store having an internal debate with myself about why I should/shouldn't buy it, but I ended up putting it back. We have a tile floor in our kitchen that gets so dirty every day, and I spend more time on my hands and knees scrubbing crap off the floor than I do anything else in that kitchen, and I know this would make my life SO much easier. However, I got the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser mop only a few months ago and thought the same thing about it. It is wonderful and it works great, I just think this steam mop would be even better. I'm sure something even better will come out in a few months....a self-cleaning kitchen floor would be nice! In the meantime, I want this mop. I really, really want it. Maybe an idea for my birthday gift, girlies? :)

Muffie :)


  1. Can you find a way to move a farm? Because, if you can, then I definitely will stay here!!!

    And no way in HELL I am getting you a mop for your birthday. Sheesh.

  2. Girl, I bought the Shark Mop back in the summer afer watching numerous info-mercials for it while up in the middle of the night. Let me just say that is was worth every penny!!! You will LOVE IT!

    And, BTW- you SO don't need to lose weight!
