Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh, paper towels, you are a hard habit to break!

I have a confession. Actually, an addiction. To paper towels. I'm addicted to paper towels....I love them, I can't live without them, I get seriously stressed out when we are running low or heaven out.
The thing is, I am a pretty "green" person. I recycle like it's nobody's business---I have even been known to take bottles and cans home from a party if I know the hosts don't recycle and always pick up recyclable trash when I'm out on walks. I use only non-toxic, dye and fragrance-free cleaners on our laundry, children, and around our home. I clean mostly with vinegar and water. I'm a stickler for turning lights off in rooms that aren't occupied. I buy organic whenever possible. I've made the transition to mostly high efficiency light bulbs. Etc, etc, etc....

I've considered switching to cloth towels, but I just cannot take the plunge! I use paper towels for everything---wiping down counters, tables, messy faces and hands, noses, floors, walls, windows. I know I could do all of those things with a cloth towel, but I love the fact that I can clean up a mess, throw it in the trash and never have to deal with it again. I hate, hate, hate doing laundry--and with five members of my family our laundry is never ending--so I know that switching to cloth towels would only increase that never-ending laundry.

I'm definitely interested in making the switch, as I love our Earth and want to do everything I can to preserve it....but I sure do love my paper towels, too. :) Have any of you stopped using paper towels? How did you do it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Love, Muffie :)


  1. m, i can't quit them either. i totally get it...they are the best invention ever! i use them for EVERYTHING! what type is your fav? mine is viva...and i get stressed if i can't get that type! i know exactly which store carry them and which don't. good luck and let me know if you figure anything out!

  2. Okay... you know I am going to have to do it, but Tupperware makes a line of Microfiber towels and sponges that are AWESOME! They soak up lots of water and have types that are specifically for cleaning windows/glass without the streaks or dishes or even stainless appliances. The sponges can be washed, disinfected and re-used. VERY Green and environment friendly!!!
