Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lazy girl pancakes

Has anybody else heard of this? A friend in my bible study was talking about Batter Blaster pancake mix and I happened to see it in Publix the other day and ended up buying a can. Let me tell you, if you like pancakes but don't like the hassle of making the batter, cleaning the bowls, etc, then this is for you! This morning I was craving pancakes and it literally took me THREE MINUTES to make two pancakes! You just heat up a pan and squirt the batter into the pan. So easy and cool! The pancakes really are good, and are organic, which makes them even better! I do think that this world keeps coming up with ideas that make us lazier and lazier, but this is one invention I'm happy about! :)

Love, Muffie


  1. I can't wait to try this stuff! I'll be looking out for it on my next Publix trip!

  2. I saw that in the store the other day and wondered if it was any good. I'll pick it up next time I'm there!
